5 years ago
Don't know if I spelled that right....doing this for hubby! He is looking
for anyone from his former unit, 17th Group (Army), 223 Btln, 185th Recon
Airplane Co., Ban Me Thuet RVN, 1968-69 (Tet) Unit patch was the
Pterodactyls (sp?)
Thanks - Jim and Jeannine Hess
Hello i do not know if you will get this as you posted this 20 years ago but i fiugured i would give it a shot anyways! Mt grandfather Turgeon, Bobby was apart of the 185th RECON APL. COfor anyone from his former unit, 17th Group (Army), 223 Btln, 185th Recon
Airplane Co., Ban Me Thuet RVN, 1968-69 (Tet) Unit patch was the
Pterodactyls (sp?)
Thanks - Jim and Jeannine Hess
hopefully i will soon hear back from you